New Concept of SOx Scrubber
What is SOx?
SOx is a major air pollutant that is toxic to human health, plants
and animals as well as being the main cause of acid rain.
The regulations to protect the marine environment have
gradually tightened in the last several years.
IMO Worldmap for ECA’s
(Emission Controls Areas)
Balitic / North Sea ECA
North American ECA
Discussed ECA’s
SOx Regulation & Forecast
The shipping industry, the one on the receiving end of the IMO regulation, will have to deal with not only
the upcoming global 0.5% sulphur cap, but also the existing 0.1% sulphur cap in designated Emission Control Area(ECA).
By implementing the IMO regulation in 2020, shippers will have to switch to any other alternative options
as compliant fuels(MGO/ULSFO), LNG powered vessel or they can install scrubbers (a system that removes sulphur
from exhaust gas emitted by bunkers). Studies have said uncertainty about sufficient supply of low sulphur fuel oil next year persists.
EU in Ports
Future values of high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) are falling. Thus, Scrubber get more attractive solution to comply the legislation thanks to proven technology. Global Echo has long term experience of marine business as owner’s position building new vessels and managing fleet on behalf of English/Several global owners. We felt SOx Scrubber in market seems not proper for shipping due to heavy weight, long idle time for installation, high cost and so on.Thus, we invent new concept of SOx scrubber with view of owner by easy operation with high reliability and minimized cost & down time. We name it as MS-SOx Scrubber.
Exhaust Gas Cleaning System
The use of exhaust gas cleaning systems, also known as scrubbers, is a commercially available option for the shipping industry. Ships installed with scrubbers means ship owner can operate vessel with burning high-sulphur bunker fuel continuously for compliance of stringent sulphur cap. The technology works by spraying sea water into a vessel’s exhaust gas to remove sulphur and other unwanted chemicals, either via open-loop system, closed-loop system, or hybrid (open-and-closed loop) system. There are several different designs of marine exhaust gas cleaning systems (often referred to as scrubbers) that remove sulphur oxides from ship’s engine and boiler exhaust gases. The scrubber works by connecting exhaust gas stream generated by the M/E, A/E and boiler to the Scrubber chamber that spraying water to the exhaust gases. Inside these chambers, the natural alkalinity of the seawater is used to neutralize and dissolve the acidity that results from SOx removal by mixing seawater with the exhaust gas.
Open loop system
Closed loop system
Item for Closed system
In case of scrubber system works in open loop, water treatment is not required for the natural alkalinity. Discharge water is continuously monitored at three point of the inlet, outlet and discharge to make sure it is complied to IMO legislation before it is discharged into the sea with no harm to the environment. When the scrubber system works in closed loop, chemical of NaOH or MgO dosing is required to clean the washwater in the washwater tank.